
Calling any who can sew one straight line

For those of you who are fresh out of ideas for your basket donation, or for those of you who have some time to spare, but not much cash to spare.....
Take advantage of the current 50% off fleece sale at Joann's or look for fleece remnants you have around the house, and make some scarves to include in the cash and carry scarf portion of the basket auction.

This is soooo super easy, takes hardly any time and you only need 1-1/2 ft to 2 ft of fleece to make one scarf. I bet that these will be HOT sellers next week!

Want to know more? Here are the super easy instructions.....

Sewing supplies:

Sewing Machine or good needle and thread
(3) 6" X 60" wide strips of Fleece (could be the same color or different!)
Scissors (or Rotary Cutting Mat and 60 mm Rotary Cutter)

1. Lay the strips one on top of the other, pin.
2. Select the Reinforced Straight Stitch or triple stitch on your machine
3. Stitch down the center of the scarf lengthwise
4. Place the stitched scarf on a table or rotary cutting mat
5. Place the ruler on top of the scarf
6. Cut starting 1/4 - 1/2" from the stitching, to the edge
7. Repeat the full length of the scarf, spacing the cuts 1/2" - 1" apart
8. Repeat on the other side of the scarf as shown.
9. Wash and dry, to fluff it nicely, and snuggle in to enjoy!

Instead of using 3 long strips, start with (2) 12" x 60" strips of fleece. Folding each strip (one at a time) in half lengthwise, sew a straight line down the length of each strip. You will be left with two long "sleeves". Turn each inside out, and place seams together, pinning down length. This will result in two "loops" laying flat on top of each other. Sew a straight line down the length, joing the two pieces (or four layers) together. Continue main instructions at step 4 above.


Sneak Peak #3 - bidding opens in 1 week!

We are so excited about the items that are being promised to be provided for next week's auction (to be held at Hutchison High during Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday.)

With that said, we are still in need of more baskets / items to be contributed for auction. Items can be dropped off at the High School Office during school hours, or pick up can be arranged by contacting us at HutchisonHighPTSA@gmail.com.

Now for today's Sneak Peak items.... Just click on the picture to learn more about each item

Take me to all pictures currently available for auction preview.

We will continue to add more pictures as we are made aware of new donations.


Sneak Peak #2 - More neat auction items

Donations for the basket auction are beginning to trickle in. We are excited to announce a few more items that have been promised for auction. We continue to add pictures of items to be auctioned over on the top right corner of the this blog. Just click the pic for a slide show of items we have pictures of so far.

We are still seeking donations to auction and will definately need everyone to come and bid on the auction during Parent Teacher Conferences on November 5th and 6th at Hutchison High School.

So here are the new items we've learned of today....

The Great Alaskan Bowl Company has generously donated a 7 inch spruce Animal Bowl with stand. This is an exciting item!!

St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia since 1851, also sports a Hawk as their mascot. They have promised to send along a surprise donation of Hawks apparel.

GVEA has kindly donated a Smart Strip Power Strip.

Thanks to all of those who have donated, and even considered a contribution of any sort. Remember, all contributions are tax-deductable.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. HutchisonHighPTSA@gmail.com


Sneak Peak #1: Bidding starts in two weeks

We are starting to see and hear about some of the items that have been generously donated for our upcoming basket auction on November 5th and 6th.

Two items that will be auctioned are:

$20 gift certificate from our neighborhood bookstore - Gulliver's Books (http://www.gullivers-books.com/)

$100 Canvas on Demand gift voucher from http://www.canvasondemand.com/
Canvas on Demand, located in North Carolina promises to "Turn Your Sentimental Photo Into Canvas Art!"

You can check this out in advance to see what this voucher might do for you. This process is so so easy. You can use your voucher online, or over the phone. Simply provide an electronic or original print photo and they will do the rest.
Today, I spotted a 20 x 20 inch custom canvas for $99 on their website!

Thanks to both of these companies for their generous contributions!!!

And thanks to any prospective bidders who are saving their money to get the bidding started on November 5th!


Request for donations for upcoming PTSA Basket Auction

Hutchison High School PTSA is sponsoring a silent basket auction. This is our only fund raising activity that we will have this year.

Donations of filled baskets and items to create baskets are needed for this event. The baskets are usually themed and bring lots of interest from the parents and students. We also invite the public to stop in and bid during the auction. The auction will take place during parent/teacher conferences November 5th and 6th.

Please include an approximate value of your donation so we will know where to start the bidding.
We would like to thank you in advance for your consideration and possible donation. If you have any questions or need further assistance please feel free to contact me.

This letter will serve as your receipt for tax purposes and certify that you did not receive any goods or services in exchange for your donation. Our tax deductible I.D. is 76-0839398.

Thank you for your support of our students and school.


Chris Hume
President PTSA

Item(s) donated:_________________________________________


Ideas for Basket Auction

Would you love to contribute to the upcoming Hutchison High School PTSA Basket Auction, but you are out of ideas?

Feel free to check out these links to get your creativity going....

PTO Ideas - Gift Basket Themes

Gift Basket Photos

Gift Basket Ideas - Do It Yourself

Please note that we are not providing these links for any purpose other than to give you some ideas of baskets that you might assemble at home / work.
We do not support or endorse any of the companies we are linking to, nor are we suggesting that you order your basket from the associated companies listed above. These are simply meant to help generate ideas.


Have you wondered why we are a PTSA and not a PTA?

In the beginning of time, when the National Parent Teacher Association was started it was known as PTA. Then as they progressed and grew, some wanted to include their students in the local organization. As new units formed they included the S in PTA so students would be and feel included. Older units also made the change to reflect the importance of having students represented.

Hutchison High School PTSA was organized in the spring of 2009. We intentionally organized as a PTSA from the very beginning. We recognize our students and encourage their involvement in this organization. Hutchison High School students are welcome to join and attend our monthly general meetings. We hope to see some of you on November 3rd, 2009 at 5:30pm in the library!

Three for Me Please

As wonderful as they are, seconds and thirds may add a few inches to your hips at the dinner table. But if you want guiltless thirds, proclaim "Three for Me!"

It is really OK to say this, because doing so in the PTA context is good for you, for the community and your teen.

"Research shows that a welcoming school community is a key to increasing parent involvement. When parents are more involved, they are better able to support their children's learning, and their children do better in school. Three for Me creates opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's education, both in and outside of the school." - Three for Me

Learn More
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Support the PTSA

Support the PTSA

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Why Join the PTSA

Why Join the PTSA

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Why Your School Needs a PTSA

Why Your School Needs a PTSA

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Indoor Tanning and Our Kids

The American Cancer Society has an interesting article about sending our kids to tan.

Check it out here

Child and Teen Tobacco Use

The American Cancer Society provides an enlightening article on tobacco use amoung High School students, including surprising stats, risks, and ways to curb it.

Check it out Here


Monthly PTSA Meetings

Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm in the School Library. Feel free to drop in and sit a spell!

Please note: November's meeting will be held on the first Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009.

2009 - 2010 HH PTSA Roster

It is with great pleasure that we introduce the creation of Hutchison High School PTSA and introduce the individuals who will lead it for the first official term:

President - Chris Hume
Executive Vice President - Debbi Reeves
Treasurer - Karen Binkley
Secretary - Pam Nelson
Volunteer Coordinator - Diane Sam
Teacher Appreciation Coordinator - Rose Ahern
Baker of Delectable Goodies - Emily Ahern
Blog Editor - Elisabeth Jensen

Hutchison High Employees
Principal - Jeanette Hayden
School Nurse - Martin Becker

Important email addresses you may need throughout the year:

Principal: Jeanette Hayden: jhayden@northstar.k12.ak.us
PTSA President: Chris Hume: cwilcoxhume@hotmail.com
Volunteer coordinator: Diane Sam: dlsam@alaska.edu
General Hutch PTSA email: HutchisonHighPTSA@gmail.com