
Black Friday Shopping? - Sign up for eScrip first

The stores are trying every which way to get us all to start our Christmas shopping tomorrow.

Sure, they have deals, but why not earn money while you shop this Holiday season?

Yes, we said that you can get some of these stores to spend their money on Hutchison High School, while you spend your money on your family. This might be the best deal of the holiday season! Last year the PTA at West High School in Anchorage, AK brought in $45,000 by just having friends of West sign-up at eScrip and do their normal shopping!

Is it difficult? Is there red-tape?
No, the hardest part is signing up and that is really pretty easy. If you don't have the time or internet access to sign up, we here at the PTSA are ready and willing to help you sign up. Simply contact us at: HutchisonHighPTSA@gmail.com

Is there a fee? Do I have to join the PTSA?
No and NO! There is not a fee to sign up for eScrip, and though we'd love to have any and all Hutch parents, teachers and students join the PTSA, you don't have to be a PTSA member, or even live in Alaska to sign up for eScrip.

For more info, keep reading or contact us with any questions...
Happy Holidays!!


Presses Rolling - The Aviator

Congratulations to the Journalism students and Mr. Coughlin for getting the "presses rolling."

Yes, we are happy to announce Hutchison High's first school newspaper, "The Aviator" came out this week.

The Journalism class under the guidance for Mr. Coughlin have created a great paper. Be sure to ask your student to see their copy. The paper is free to all the students.

Great Job Aviator staff, your paper was a pleasure to see and read!!!

The Aviator is looking for support so if you want to place an add or give a grant to keep the paper going, see one of the Journalism students or contact Mr. Coughlin.


Cancelled - General Meeting - Tuesday, Nov 10th

Though our General PTSA Meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month, this did not hold true for November, 2009. We met last week in preparation for the Basket Auction. So we will not have a meeting tomorrow.

We hope to see all of you next month, in the school Library at 5:30pm on Tuesday, December 8th for our last meeting of 2009.

If you have any pressing issues that can not wait until our next meeting, feel free to send an email to our general email address, HutchisonHighPTSA@gmail.com.

Basket Auction Winners - Pickup on Tuesday

Thank you from the PTSA to everyone who partcipated in our basket auction. We were impressed with the generosity of all of you. We have notified the winning (highest) bidders of each basket via phone. If you have not picked up your basket, please stop by the High School Entry or Office between 2 and 6pm on Tuesday, November 10th to get your basket.

If you need to make other arrangements, please call Chris Hume (322-8481) and we can arrange another time.

Again, thank you to all that participated in this event. Once all of the baskets are picked up we will announce the total amount that this auction managed to bring to Hutchison High!


Come one, Come all! Just get to school before 4:30pm on Friday

Our Silent Basket Auction is half way over.

Today, was a great success! Before the doors closed for the evening, we were still receiving a few more donations to include in the bidding as new items tomorrow. Pictures of many of the items can be seen in the slide show at the top of this post.

With about seventy or so baskets to bid on - if you bid this morning, I can almost guarantee that you may want to return on Friday to increase your bid, as incremental bidding took up speed this evening.

We were happy to see parents, students, relatives and even unrelated coworkers perusing the selection today. It was clear that this is truly a community event, so be sure to invite your neighbors, relatives, co-workers and managers to attend. This is a great way to promote this hidden jewel (of Hutchison High School) to the community.

So spread the word, and we hope to see you all tomorrow.
Remember, the highest bid on an item wins at 4:30pm, Friday, November 6th.

Sweet Businesses who've been quick to donate

The PTSA would like to thank the followng businesses for their generous contributions during the course of our 2009 Basket Auction, benefiting Hutchison High School PTSA!

Alpine Creek Lodge, 68 Denali Highway
Brandalion Beads
Canvas on Demand
College Utilities
Cookie Jar Restaurant
Country Kitchen
El Dorado Gold Mine
Glow Putt Alaska
Golden Heart Utilities
Great Alaskan Bowl Company
Gulliver’s Books
Karmakanic Yoga
Long House Alaskan Hotel, Anchorage, AK
MacCheyne's CarpetsPlus
Mary Kay
Moose Tooth, Anchorage, AK
Off The Wall Creations
Pogo Gold Mine, Sumitomo Metal Mining Co.
Riverboat Discovery
Saint Joseph’s Hawks, Saint Joseph University, Philadelphia, PA
Thriftiques Antiques
Westmark Hotels, Anchorage, AK

Since donations are still trickling in, we apologize if we have missed any of you. We will gladly update our list as we are able in the coming week. Feel free to contact us at HutchisonHighPTSA@gmail.com


General meeting - Tuesday at 5:30pm

Our next PTSA meeting will be tomorrow - Tuesday, November 3rd, at 5:30pm in the High School Library.

It will be a short meeting followed by a work session to prepare the baskets for the PTSA Auction this coming Thursday and Friday.

This will be a great opportunity for those who have indicated an interest to help with PTSA/Hutch activities but haven't yet found the time. Parents, students and teachers are all welcome to attend!

The nurse's office could still use extra clothing, especially the larger sizes, for students who need sudden replacements during the school day.

Conferences and Basket Auction - Thursday and Friday

You are cordially invited to attend the HHS Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 5th & 6th.
The schedule for the two days is:
Thursday, November 5 - 11 am - 2:00 pm & 3:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday, November 6 - 7:30 am - 10:30 am & 11:30 am - 4:30 pm.

While the conferences are in session, we, the Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA) will be conducting our 2nd annual basket auction in the commons.

Be sure to stop by before, between or after your conferences to see the wonderful baskets that have been donated by parents, staff, students and businesses.

Finally, remember there is no school on Thursday or Friday.

Good Choices for Teens 14 - 18 Years Old

Click here for easier viewing


Got Milk? Bring it if you bid on this basket!

I heard that Cookie Jar Restaurant, in Fairbanks, has donated six gift certificates for our Basket Auction. More info will be provided as soon as it is available!

November is PTA's Healthy Lifestyles Month!

"It is important for children to come to school emotionally and physically healthy. Studies have shown that children’s physical well-being has a significant effect on their learning and long-term success. When children are well-rested, well-nourished, and physically fit they are more ready to learn.
Every parent wants his or her child to be happy and healthy. Parents share the responsibility of ensuring their child's well-being with teachers, the community, its members, and all its services. Learning the facts about various health concerns is key to this common effort.

National PTA is committed to building healthy families and healthy communities, and believes we all have an important role to play in making sure parents, schools, and communities have the support and resources they need." - National PTA

Parent Guides

PTA Healthy Lifestyles: A Parent's Guide

MyPyramid for Kids Parent's Guide Insert