
For your Review/Comment: Proposed changes to existing Bylaws

Changes to the original Hutchison PTSA Bylaws have been proposed, and can be reviewed at: Bylaws Proposed Amendment v1

Feel free to provide feedback in the comment area beneath this post, or contact any member of the Board directly.

This weekend - Learn how to Join the Food Revolution

Renowned chef and TV personality, Jamie Oliver, is determined to start a food revolution to get better food into our schools and change what our kids eat.

Nearly one-third of American children are either overweight or obese, according to Oliver. The obesity epidemic is so great that it may actually reduce the life expectancy of today’s generation of children. Jamie Oliver and PTA are proud to release a toolkit for parents and families to give them the tools they need to eat healthy and to be active together. More information is available at http://www.pta.org/healthy_lifestyles.asp.

To find out more about Jamie Oliver’s work, watch the series premiere of "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution," on Friday, March 26th at 8p.m. EST on ABC. Click here to watch a sneak peak of his new show.

Source: PTA.org

Important - Parents Take Action Item

Act Now to Save PIRCs

The Obama Administration's current Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request calls for the consolidation and proposed elimination of Parent Information Resource Centers. PIRCs improve parental and family engagement in children's education, which is a cornerstone of what PTA supports. PIRCs serve more than 16 million parents, helping them connect with schools and improve their child's education. With the PTA Takes Action Center, PTA provides a quick, easy way for you to contact the Administration and your Congressmen to urge them to restore funding for PIRCs.

Why PIRCs matter:

They provide schools and districts with tools to effectively partner with parents.
They empower parents to advocate for their children and school reform.
They provide training and professional development on effective family engagement to districts and school staff.
They collaborate with state PTAs to engage all public school parents in their children's education.
They train family engagement coordinators in schools.
They convene parent leadership academies to equip parents with skills needed to help their children to succeed.
Under this proposed consolidation in the FY2011 Budget Request, the sole funding stream for family engagement would be redirected to charter schools. Placing PIRCs under this fund means that there is no longer a dedicated funding stream for family engagement and PIRCs will not be able reach all families with children in public schools.

Please urge both of your Senators and Representative to reauthorize ESEA now and to safeguard PIRCs under ESEA. PTA's Take Action Center makes it easy to send an automated alert to your members of Congress telling them you want them to act right away on this important law.

(text from March 2010 PTA Newsletter; PTA www.pta.org)

Our Original Bylaws

The original bylaws of our organization are always available for viewing at:
Original Hutchison High PTSA Bylaws