
2009 - 2010 HH PTSA Roster

It is with great pleasure that we introduce the creation of Hutchison High School PTSA and introduce the individuals who will lead it for the first official term:

President - Chris Hume
Executive Vice President - Debbi Reeves
Treasurer - Karen Binkley
Secretary - Pam Nelson
Volunteer Coordinator - Diane Sam
Teacher Appreciation Coordinator - Rose Ahern
Baker of Delectable Goodies - Emily Ahern
Blog Editor - Elisabeth Jensen

Hutchison High Employees
Principal - Jeanette Hayden
School Nurse - Martin Becker

Important email addresses you may need throughout the year:

Principal: Jeanette Hayden: jhayden@northstar.k12.ak.us
PTSA President: Chris Hume: cwilcoxhume@hotmail.com
Volunteer coordinator: Diane Sam: dlsam@alaska.edu
General Hutch PTSA email: HutchisonHighPTSA@gmail.com

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