
Sneak Peak #1: Bidding starts in two weeks

We are starting to see and hear about some of the items that have been generously donated for our upcoming basket auction on November 5th and 6th.

Two items that will be auctioned are:

$20 gift certificate from our neighborhood bookstore - Gulliver's Books (http://www.gullivers-books.com/)

$100 Canvas on Demand gift voucher from http://www.canvasondemand.com/
Canvas on Demand, located in North Carolina promises to "Turn Your Sentimental Photo Into Canvas Art!"

You can check this out in advance to see what this voucher might do for you. This process is so so easy. You can use your voucher online, or over the phone. Simply provide an electronic or original print photo and they will do the rest.
Today, I spotted a 20 x 20 inch custom canvas for $99 on their website!

Thanks to both of these companies for their generous contributions!!!

And thanks to any prospective bidders who are saving their money to get the bidding started on November 5th!

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